Glowforge material will automatically insert cut settings through a QR code. When using material other than GF produced, one must manually enter cut settings. We have tested the materials and given cut settings for all of our material at the following link:
There are two ways to enter these settings through the Glowforge App. This article will explain the easiest way to quickly adjust settings. Remember, there are three settings to modify for cutting: focus height, speed and power. All are important to proper cutting.
Let's use and example of cutting 1/8th MDF from Craft Closet
Select the closest material and then modify the settings. So for 1/8th MDF, we would select “medium draft board”. It really isn’t so important how exact it is, just get it close. Medium Draftboard has GF preset cut settings as follows:
Speed: 168
Power: Full
Focus Height: 0.142 in
Our 1/8th MDF recommends the following settings:
Speed: 195
Power: Full
Focus Height: 0.12 in
So start by selecting Medium Draft Board
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