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Spotlight Designer: Tooney W.

Spotlight Designer! Tooney W.!

Q&A With Tooney!

What is something interesting about yourself? I’ve been a professional photographer for over a decade and specialize in empowering and classy Boudoir Photography. The pandemic though forced me to find other ways to hustle and I came across the Glowforge and it reignited all the fun I had as a kid making my own toys and crafts and art.

What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
Unconventional, positive, kind

What is your favorite type of material to work with and why? I love mixing wood with some fun acrylics. Basically anything from the Craft Closet!

What is a project you are proud of and why? I got a request for a custom Succulent Garden Sign, and wanted to create something that matched my clients personality and unique and colorful succulent garden. After taking hours and hours trying to come up with a design, I was stuck and taking a breather and staring at all my beautiful acrylics from you guys, and it dawned on me. I want to use EVERYTHING! So I decided to create a stained glass effect and the results were beautiful.

What inspired this file? Definitely all the beautiful acrylics I got from the Craft Closet.

What do you do to get in the zone for crafting? First thing I do is clean my space. Brew coffee, and put on my 90s alternative playlist :D

Who inspires you and why? My kids for sure!! They are both super artistic and I just want to inspire them to keep being creative and to work hard for their dreams.

What is your favorite thing to do outside of crafting? The one thing I look forward to the most outside of crafting is definitely watching Spurs basketball games haha Another favorite is Boudoir Photography - I absolutely love empowering other women to help them see their own beauty :)

Check Out Tooney's Shops

Tooney's Winning File

Material Used:

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Do You Want to Be Our Next Spotlight Designer?

How to enter:
Every couple of weeks we will select a gallery submission that includes a file the person created themselves. So when you submit a gallery photo, which was made by your own file, email us to let us know or include the link to the file in with your submission.

    Previous article Spotlight Designer! Jill B.!