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Spotlight Designer! Sherry S.!

Spotlight Designer! Sherry S.!

Q&A With Sherry!

Tell us something interesting about yourself: When I watch tv or movies, I am always looking at the earrings the actors are wearing.
What 3 words would you use to describe yourself? Quirky, Curious, Loving
What is your favorite type of material to work with and why? I love laserable acrylics. They are already beautiful and it doesn't take much to create something wonderful. In addition, I love working with a variety of materials including, wood, wire, fabric, leather, polymer clay, beads and resin. My curiosity leads me to look at all materials as a possibility for earrings.
What is a project you are proud of and why? I am proud of the earrings I made using what I call the Interchangeable Earring file. Creating this file was a special challenge for me because working with kerf is very difficult for me. I have watched all the videos on how to work with kerf and it still baffles me. I created my file where I needed to account for the kerf by trial an error. I must have cut 10 sets of earrings before I got the fit that I wanted but I was determined. That was a big success for me.
What inspired this file? When I received the crystal ice glitz acrylic for Craft Closet, I envisioned the glitz, set into the mirror acrylic and I made it come to life!
What do you do to get in the zone for crafting? I watch videos of different clothing designers and models and see what they are wearing. I always say, "I'm going to put my own twist on that", I call it putting my "special sauce" on it.
Who inspires you and why? I am inspired by the many creative artists that I run into online, on instagram, facebook and youtube. Right now, I am enamored with a leather artist on Instagram, Hyde Your Jewelry. I love the colors and designs that she creates. They are so unique.
What is your favorite thing to do outside of crafting? I love to dance! I don't get to do it often, other than around my house but I have always loved to dance to RB music or praise music.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us? I love my glowforge. I have been making earrings for many years and the glowforge opened a whole new world of creative possibilities for me.

Check Out Sherry's Shops

Personal Website:

Sherry's Winning File

Material Used:

Starry Night Blue Glitter

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