Finishing Wood
We all want our woodwork to shine. Of course there are times when the natural look of wood is desired. But when you have a beautiful piece of wood that’s perfect for a project, you want it to stand out when it’s completed.

Applying a finish to your wood project not only enhances its look, but protects it from other stains and prevents swelling and cracking.
Several people have asked me how they can achieve the same finished look on wood that we display on our website.
I have had many people ask how to finish wood so that it looks like the pictures of the finished wood on our website.

This is actually a really easy way to finish wood and it brings out the natural colors and looks great! To make the pictures for our website I did the following:
- Clean off any dust and debris with a soft cloth. Go back over it with a light coating of white vinegar or mineral spirits for a deeper clean, which also removes any residue from stickers.
- I like to apply a coat of Tung Oil to the wood. I have used Danish Oil and Teak Oil, and they worked just the same. Here is an article that explains the difference between these 3 oils
- After the Tung Oil dries, I apply my first coat of polyurethane. When that was dried, I sanded the wood lightly with a fine grain sandpaper, and then put another coat of polyurethane on. I finished there but if you want a lusher or thicker finish, continue the process of applying coats of polyurethane, drying and sanding until you achieve the finish you desire. Technically you don’t need to use the polyurethane, because Tung Oil is a finish in itself, but I like the protection and smooth finish of the polyurethane. Polyurethane finished boards are also easier to clean after cutting without masking.
There you have it. A rather simple process for achieving a finish that enhances your wood.
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